Organic Pet
Our AYUSH certified Organic Pet Protect Spray is the perfect companion for health and well-being of your pets.

Pet Protect
Miracle Everyday Pet Protect, a part of Miracle Everyday's organic, botanical blend line, is an all-encompassing solution for your pet's health and hygiene. It's expertly formulated to treat surgical and lacerated wounds, ensuring a safe and speedy recovery. Additionally, its efficacy extends to sanitizing pet kennels, maintaining a clean and hygienic environment for your pets. This versatile product is an essential addition to any pet care routine, providing peace of mind with its natural, effective formulation.
Pet Friendly Odour Eliminator Mist spray
Our AYUSH certified Pet friendly Odour Eliminator Mist, extracted from bitter orange blended with food- grade emulsifier, is a Ready -To-Use Spray which is specifically formulated for pets and pet kennels.
Our mist works effectively on removing any odour for a longer period of time by killing the odour causing pathogens instead of masking it.
This 100% organic, non-toxic and plant based pet- friendly mist can be used most efficiently on pet carpets, floors, beds, Kennels, etc. and also can be used as an organic atmospheric mist.

Get Pet Care Products
Pet Protection is tested and found effective against a huge range of microbes.
Bacteria :
Staphylococcus aureus • Escherichia coli • Proteus vulgaris •
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus • Pseudomonas aeruginosa • Legionella pneumophila • Salmonella spp.• Lysteria monocytogens • Food spoilage bacteria
Virus :
H1N1 virus • SARS-CoV19 • Lumpy Skin Disease Virus
Fungi and Spores :
Aspergillus nigero • Aspergillus brasiliensiso • Brettanomyceso • Candida albicanso • Food spoilage fungi